Consult a Cork Expert Before Starting Your Project

When resourcing cork for your next project, we recommend you consult with a cork professional and not just a cork reseller. Cork professionals are direct importers/manufacturers. They have the knowledge to assist you with all aspects of your project: what type of cork is recommended or required for your application, substrate requirements if necessary, backer board specifications for wall board uses, adhesive types and recommendations, as well as any special tools that may be needed. They can also help with installation tips. They are cork experts.
Case in point:
Our customer, Steve the owner of a company in southern California, secured a major school project. This called for a large quantity of 3/8” thick cork-facing material for bulletin boards. The school timeline for completion was extremely tight to begin with, and the Steve had initially chosen a substrate not suitable for gluing cork. We worked closely with the customer, talked through the entire project and process and offering various suggestions. Through the collaboration of Manton Cork and Steve, the job was completed within budget and installed in a timely manner.
While we went above & beyond this particular customer’s expectations, assisting in every way possible, we (really do) offer this same approach of doing business to all our customers, and thought nothing of it; that is until we received the very kind email below and photo you see.
Hi Jerry & Kristen,
Just wanted to thank-you both for all your help on this project. The 50-4’ x 6’ and 16-2’ x 3’ cork boards came out perfect. Lot of work though.
Always feels good when we can help a customer make the right decisions on a cork installation, but admittedly, feels even better when they take the time to tell you so.