The “Design Your Own Cork Wall” dilemma
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- Cork Board

When installing a large cork tack board or pin-up area the question invariably arises:
Can I glue the cork to existing wall board, and if so, should I be concerned about pin holes, or eventually removing the cork?
The answer is quite simple, and it comes from a cork company with 90 years experience.
If the area you intend to cork is 4’ x 6’ or larger, the easiest, and by far the most practical way to install cork is by gluing the material directly to existing wall board (sheetrock). We recommend using 3/8” composition cork facing material, with self healing characteristics. The 3/8” thickness is durable, and eliminates the concern about penetrating the cork and making pin holes in the wall.
Can I cover the cork wall?
If you ever decide to change your décor, consider covering the cork with a fabric, or wall paper. This will allow you to preserve the benefits of a tacking area and retain the acoustical and thermal qualities cork offers.
Another option, especially if a large area of cork was installed, is to panel or sheetrock directly over the cork, which allows you to maintain the acoustical and thermal benefits of cork between the walls.
Removing the cork completely remains an option; the wall board will need skim coating prior to painting or applying other wall treatment.
If you’ve had experience creating a cork wall in your home, please lets us know how you made out by leaving a comment below. We’d love to hear from you.